Kirjoittaja Aihe: April 21 Hypnokink: Trance, Training, and Rapport in Helsinki  (Luettu 2932 kertaa)


  • Vieras
Trance, Training, and Rapport
Saturday 21st April 6pm -
Location: Uusi Ylioppilastalo, Wilhelmsson-sali (former Mannerheim-sali), 5th floor
              Mannerheimintie 5A, Helsinki
Teacher: Najalaise

Whatever your kink, hypnosis is a versatile addition - you can make fantasies come true, reward obedience, do BDSM without toys, or simply connect more deeply with your partner. In this interactive workshop, we’ll practice simple hypnotic inductions, learn to recognize the signs of trance in ourselves and others, and discuss using hypnosis to deepen D/s relationships and enhance behavior modification. By approaching hypnosis as a tool for rapport and exploration, you can quickly gain skills which will take you very interesting places.

Najalaise is maniacal but decent. Even before joining the organized BDSM community in 2005, Naj was exploring kink and introducing others to figging, play piercing, sounding, fisting, and other delightful pastimes. More recently, they have had the pleasure of presenting classes on hypnosis for conferences and BDSM groups across the United States. Naj co-founded Seattle's Erotic Hypnosis Enthusiasts' Group (now running as the Hypnokink Enthusiasts' Group) in 2012, and they have been working to build community, fuel curiosity, and offer in-depth hypnokink education ever since.

The event is organized by Helsingin Akateemiset Kinkyt. It is open for everyone interested in hypnosis and free of charge. Welcome!


  • Vieras


  • Vieras
Tämä tilaisuus on siis ensi viikon lauantaina Helsingissä. Tervetuloa mukaan!


  • Vieras