Kirjoittaja Aihe: Talvilomalle Aasiaan?Asia Kink Con Hongkong 13. - 15.11., Singapore 20. - 22.11.  (Luettu 3099 kertaa)


  • Vieras
Ovatko talvilomasuunnitelmat jo kasassa? Miltä kuulostaisi viikko kinkyä Aasiassa? Järjestyksessä kolmas Asia Kink Con järjestetään Hongkongissa 13. - 15.11. ja Singaporessa seuraavana viikonloppuna 20. - 22.11.

Asia Kink Con Hong Kong

We welcome you to enjoy a weekend of performances and partying, workshops and shows, mingling and midgets. (Well, probably no midgets. But we'll let you know.) Learn new skills, brush up on old ones, and meet new people!

We are pleased to announce Hong Kong's 3rd Kink Conference on November 13th - 15th 2015!

For 3 days Kinky Hong Kong is bringing in experts and guests from all over Asia. On offer will be a yummy buffet of 16 different workshops, multiple performances, a party, a goody bag of toys worth the price of your three-day ticket, kinky shopping and much, much more.

Watch this space - schedules and tickets will be out soon!

Any questions? We'd love to hear from you!

Looking forward to seeing you all,



Tapahtuma ei nimestään huolimatta ole satojen ihmisten konferenssi, vaan hyvinkin intiimi mutta kansainvälinen kokoontuminen. Workshop-painotteisesta luonteestaan johtuen paikkoja on hyvin rajoitetusti, joten liput kannattaa hankkia  heti kun ne julkaistaan, jos aikoo paikan päälle tulla.

Tapahtuma ei ole avoin, vaan vaatii käytännössä kutsun tai suosittelun joko paikalliselta järjestäjältä tai kansainväliseltä edustajaltamme. Suomessa suosittelun/arvioinnin hoidan minä, mikä ei tarkoita että meidän tarvitsee tunteaa henkilökohtaisesti.

Seuraavana viikonloppuna meistä on Singaporen vastaava. Voin hoitaa suosittelun molempiin, ja olen itse paikalla molemmissa, Hongkongissa järjestäjän ominaisuudessa, Singaporessa vieraana.

Lokaatio on vielä salainen, mutta helpon matkan päässä alueista, joille todennäköisesti majoittuisit. Mikäli suunnittelet reissua, minä voin suositella hotelleja yms. Muutenkin lupaan pitää erityistä huolta Suomen-vieraista, mikäli sellaisia saapuu, koska minusta tietenkin olisi aivan ihanaa saada tänne maanmiehiä. :)
« Viimeksi muokattu: 29.09.2015, 15:19 kirjoittanut Xpyx »


  • Vieras
Liput Hongkongin Kink Coniin myyntiin sunnuntaina 18.10. klo 00:00: Ohjelma julkaistaan kokonaisuudessaan tämän viikon aikana.

Singaporen Conin tapahtumasivu on myös auki:


  • Vieras
The tickets and full schedule are out now - enjoy!  :love:

Pick your own from a selection of 16 workshops: Dom Skills Sessions, Rope Sessions, Sub Skills Sessions, The Talks and everything awesome. Complete with performances and parties. Welcome!

The performers
Lead Performers
Nawakiri Shin, Taiwan
Shin Nawakiri started learning shibari in 2004. He is a founding member of BDSM.TW, the only BDSM supporting group in Taiwan and also the author of Essence of Shibari, a Chinese tutorial on shibari.He has performed in various events, both local and international, including Toubaku 2011 in Tokyo, London Festival of the Art of Japanese Rope Bondage 2012 and 2013, Asia Adult Expo in 2013, and in the Taipei Fringe Festival every year during 2011 – 2014. Besides performing, he is also teaches regular shibari classes in Taipei.

In his earlier career of performance, he was known for his dynamic style, speedy tying, and integration of dramatic elements into his performance. Over the years he has been going through a transition to more intimate, emotional style of bondage, hoping to convey a feeling of love and connection to the audience.
More about Nawakiri Shin:

Workshops by Nawa Kiri Shin
Saturday 14th Nov: Rope Sessions: Advanced Rope P.1 - Suspension
Saturday 14th Nov: Rope Sessions: Advanced Rope P.2 - Suspension
Saturday 14th Nov: Rope Sessions: Beginner's Rope

Nuit de Tokyo, France / Japan
Nuit de Tokyo started reading Sade at 13, borrowing from the paternal library, and never really got out of SM since, courtesy of a very submissive first girl friend. In 2003, he moved to Japan and formally studied Japanese rope in situ with Osada Steve (2005-2011), Yukimura Haruki (2008-) and Nawashi Kanna (2010-). He is a full member and licensed instructor of the Yukimura Haruki Ryuu under the name Haru Kakeru and was assistant to Yukimura Haruki during two workshops in Copenhagen and Los Angeles in 2012.
In March 2013, he performed in Tokyo for the 10th anniversary of The Gate, a large fetish party, and at the Deluxe Kabukicho Theater in Shinjuku as part of the Oo Nawa Asobi series of shows in April 2013. We are very pleased to have Nuit de Tokyo return as a performer and a teacher for the third time.

Workshops by Nuit de Tokyo
Saturday 14th Nov: Rope Sessions: One rope ties
Sunday 15th Nov: Rope Sessions: Intermediate Rope

Queen Anonymous, Florida
A mysterious and hence anonymous lifestyle Mistress for 13 years and active in the South Florida scene, where enviably numerous events go on every week year round. Although active and always playing with a stable of male and female subs, she remains extremely low key and a dedicated student of the art of BDSM. She loves bringing people to where they need to go with whatever methods that take her fancy.

Workshops by Queen Anonymous
Saturday 14th Nov: Dom(me) Skills Sessions: The Art of CBT
Saturday 14th Nov: Dom(me) Skills Sessions: Orgasm Denial Through Chastity
Sunday 15th Nov: Dom(me) Skills Sessions: Dual Weilding - Florentine Flogging

Amber-Wine, Singapore
Amber-Wine has been an active member of the Singapore BDSM community for the past 7 years. Together with a few others, Amber-Wine founded Singapore Learn And Play (SLAP), a non-profit group that delivers quality BDSM learning experiences for the local community, in 2014. Amber-Wine regularly leads discussions and presents skill-shares for SLAP. In her free time, Amber-Wine also maintains a sex blog, connects with kink communities while travelling with her dominant husband, and looks after her two adorable cats.

Forsak3n, Singapore
Forsak3n has been active in the Singapore BDSM community since its days of infancy. He regularly co-facilitates discussions and skill-shares with his submissive wife Amber-Wine for SLAP, and is a fixture in Amber-Wine's blog entries.

Workshops by Amber-Wine & Forsak3n
Saturday 14th Nov: Dom(me) Skills Sessions: Humiliation & Humility
Saturday 14th Nov: Pet Play

Other performers, in alphabetical order

Alfredo M, New York
Alfredo Melendez has been performing, teaching, and competing partner dancing for almost 15 years. He has won multiple competitions in blues and west coast swing, has collaborated and taught with nationally and internationally recognized artists, and has studied Argentine tango, blues, and multiple kinds of swing with world class instructors from all over the globe.

While flirting often with the kink scene in NYC, he is a recent addition to the HK Kink scene. Exploring and teaching about the seductive power of partner dance and the interplay between lead/follow, sub/dom in the world of dance is his forte.

Workshops by Alfredo M
Saturday 14th of Nov: Sub Skills Sessions: "Now That Deserves a Tip!": Erotic Dance

Domaignes, Hongkong
Domaignes is a life long kinkster with much knowledge and experience of BDSM. He lives his lifestyle 24/7 usually with a slave, and always with a dungeon. He is fascinated by the mental and aesthetic appeal of BDSM and has a large collection of toys, implements, furniture, art, sculpture, books, clothing, whips and machines much of which is purpose made.

Workshops by Domaignes
Saturday 14th Nov: Pet Play

Gubo, Beijing
GuBo founded Beijing Kink in 2012, coining a Chinese term for kink, 劲客, and developing a set of bilingual principles for ethical kink practice - Communication, Trust, and Consent; 沟通、信任、自愿. He sees kink as a potential path out of the binaries and other strictures of mainstream sexuality and so opposes simplistic fixed kink roles. His main kink interests are coordinating physical and psychological tools to create novel and ecstatic experiences, particularly when that involves him getting to beat willing bottoms in scenes that explore the joys of simultaneous physical and psychological vulnerability.

Workshops by GuBo
Saturday 14th Nov: Dom Skills Sessions: Beyond Beating - Hard & Soft Skills for Impact Play

Gigglywater, Hongkong / Canada
Despite only recently joining the HK scene, Gigglywater has been practicing BDSM in her personal life for close to two decades. She is also a professional massage therapist and licensed in Canada and Hong Kong. Gigglywater has been a Registered Massage Therapist for 14 years. She studied in Canada and has since moved to Hong Kong.

Workshops by Gigglywater
Sunday 15th of Nov: Sub Skills Sessions: Service Through Massage

ItsPlay, Hongkong / UK
Kinky since forever and heavily involved in the kink scene since a fantastic experience at Burning Man 2012, ItsPlay is proud to present at HKKC 2015. ItsPlay researches kink and performance in a sociocultural context, specifically focusing on kinbaku, gender, and feminism. While in London, ItsPlay started learning to tie, and quickly began exploring the subject both academically and practically. Continuing as a theoretical practitioner, ItsPlay has now been tying for over 3 years and has presented papers and talks at academic conferences, hoping to raise the general level of recognition of, and appreciation for, kink and kinbaku.

Workshops by Itsplay
Sunday 15th of Nov: The Talks: The Directions of Kink: Past, Present and Future

Transhuman, Hong Kong
A third-time presenter at Hong Kong Asia Kink Con and a long-time pervert with varied tastes, Jannus is a KHK organizer and a British-born Hongkonger. Needles and medical play have had a special place in his dark heart for quite a few years now, but he is also very fond of lovely pets and impact play.

Workshops by Transhuman
Sunday 15th of Nov: Skin Deep - The Art of Play Piercing
Saturday 14th Nov: Pet Play

Velma Voluptuary, Hongkong / Finland
Velma Voluptuary has a decade of experience in theatre and Live Action Role Playing (larp) scene. She organized larps for years, writing the characters and plot lines for the games. She is passionate about the way kink can be used for creating deeply immersive head spaces and role play scenes.

Workshops by Velma Voluptuary
Sunday 15th of Nov: Fantasies to Reality: Roleplay

The Schedule

Friday November 13th 2015

7:00 - 7:45pm - Doors open, meet and greet
7:45 - 8:00pm - Welcoming Ceremony
8:00 - 9:00pm - The Talks: Meet The Presenters - A Panel Discussion
9:00 - 9:30pm - Q & A
9:30 - 10:00pm - Performance by Nuit de Tokyo
10:00 - 11:30pm - Friday Night Cocktails

Saturday, November 14th 2015

Early Birds
10:00 - 11:30 am - Nawakiri Shin, Advanced Rope P.1 (Suspension)

Workshop Session #1
12:00 - 1:30pm - Nawakiri Shin: Advanced Rope P.2 (Suspension)
12:00 - 1:30pm - Amber, Forsak3n, Domaignes, Trishr, & Transhuman: Pet Play
12:00 - 1:30pm - Queen Anonymous: Orgasm Denial through Chastity
1:30 - 2:15pm - Lunch Break (45 minutes)
Workshop Session #2
2:15 - 3:45pm - Amber & Forsak3n: Humiliation and Humility
2:15 - 3:45pm - GuBo: Beyond Spanking - Hard & Soft Skills for Impact Play
2:15 - 3:45pm - Nuit de Tokyo: One Rope Bondage
3:45 - 4:00pm - Snack Break (15 mins)
Workshop Session #3
4:00 - 5:30pm - Nawakiri Shin: Starting Out with Rope Bondage
4:00 - 5:30pm - Queen Anonymous: The Art of CBT
4:00 - 5:30pm - Alfredo M: "Now That Deserves a Tip!": Erotic Dance
5:30 - 6:30pm - Dinner Break (60 mins)
6:30 - 7:30pm - Changing Time for Party
7:30 - 8:30pm - Competitions and Awards
8:30 - 9:10pm - Variety Show
9:10 - 9:50pm - Performance by Nawakiri Shin
10:00 - 10:30pm - Mixer with the presenters
10:30 - 1:30am - The Kinky Hong Kong Play Party - Asia Kink Con Edition

Sunday, November 15th 2015

Workshop Session #4
12:00 - 1:30pm - Nuit de Tokyo: Intermediate Rope
12:00 - 1:30pm - Transhuman: Skin Deep: The Art of Play Piercing
12:00 - 1:30pm - ItsPlay: Kinky Directions: Past, Present and Future
1:30 - 2:15pm - Lunch Break (45mins)
Workshop Session #5
2:15 - 3:45pm - Queen Anonymous: Dual Weilding: Florentine Flogging
2:15 - 3:45pm - VelmaVoluptuary: Role Play - Fantasies to Reality
2:15 - 3:45pm - GigglyWater: Service Through Massage
4:00 - 6:00pm - Sunday Chillout Teaparty: come and chill out with live music, stretching for rope bunnies by ItsPlay, a tea ceremony performance by VelmaVoluptuary and tea being served. Littles and Pets welcome to play!

We reserve the right to make changes to the schedule.

The tickets